Christ instituted the sacraments of the new law. There are seven: Baptism, Confirmation (or Chrismation), the Eucharist, Penance, the Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders and Matrimony. The seven sacraments […]
What wonderful readings we have today! In the Book of Proverbs we are invited to use our imagination and think of the gift of Wisdom as a person preparing a […]
Sometimes we find ourselves at the end of our strength and feel that we cannot go on. Sometimes, instead of asking the Lord for strength to go on, we ask […]
Today we continue the theme from last Sunday about God’s miracle of feeding people when there is no food available. Last week we heard of Elishah the Prophet’s feeding of […]
We all love a good meal. We look forward to any meal, especially if it is one that celebrates a special occasion or event. People gather, there is food and […]
As we know from the gospels, there were always demands being made on Jesus and on his time. Many who were sick waited and queued so that he could lay […]
There are many ‘Prophets’ that we hear about when read parts of the Old Testament. We are familiar with prophets such Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel. Miriam, the sister of Moses is […]
This Sunday’s gospel sees Jesus returning home, perhaps to see his family and take a break from teaching and healing people. But once he arrives, he goes to the local […]
Today, as a church we are remembering and celebrating two of God’s most unlikely heroes: Peter and Paul. Each in their own way carried on the mission and ministry of […]
As we begin the Sunday readings of Ordinary time, after the solemnities of the Most Holy Trinity and Corpus Christi, we begin to reflect on who God is for each […]
When Jesus spoke to people, he spoke to them in a way and language that they understood. He spoke to them about the natural world that they lived in. He […]