Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time – 22nd September 2024

Perhaps at times we would like to think that the first and very early followers of Jesus got on with each other all the time without any problems or disagreements; this would be a mistake! As they became more organised, certain of their members wanted to be in charge, in control and make all the decisions for the group. How quickly authority and service turns into power and control! St. James, one of the early church writers is clearly aware of this when he writes to the people, and says to them; ‘wherever you find jealousy and ambition, you will find disharmony and terrible things of every kind being done.’ Clearly, they had forgotten the words of Jesus, ‘You know how it is with other rulers who lord it over people, and they make their authority felt. This must not happen to you. No; anyone who wants to be great among you must first be you slave. The Son of Man came not to be served by to serve.

In the gospel, Jesus seems to be faced with the same situation as St. James was in the second reading: service versus power, authority without humility. As they arrive in Capernaum, Jesus asked his followers what they were arguing about on the road. So, clearly they weren’t just talking, they were definitely arguing amongst themselves. They were embarrassed and ashamed to tell him, because they were arguing about which of them was the greatest. One can only imagine Jesus taking a sharp intake of breath and rolling his eyes again at how slow his disciples were being. It’s as if he says to them, look, it is very simple, ‘if anyone wants to be first, they must make themselves last and the servant of all.’ To prove and illustrate his point, Jesus stands a child in front of them and says to welcome a child is to welcome him.

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