Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time – 16th June 2024

When Jesus spoke to people, he spoke to them in a way and language that they understood. He spoke to them about the natural world that they lived in. He told them that the kingdom was like a woman baking bread. He spoke to them about farming and harvests. He talked about fishing, water, light, wine, vineyards, shepherds, sheep and all the things they saw and used in their ordinary daily lives. In the gospel this Sunday Jesus says that the Kingdom of God is like seeds being sowed; especially the mustard seed. The Kingdom of God does not float down to us miraculously or appear out of nowhere. It comes through the events of our ordinary daily lives and actions that we know so well.

Farming for a living or even growing seeds and plants in our small gardens can take a lot of hard work and requires a lot of faith. The ground is cleared and prepared. The seeds are sown and then the long waiting and watching begins. And, as the farmer sleeps the seed begins to change and eventually the earth produces new plants and crops. Farmers only sow the seeds, they do not make them grow. But seeds have to be sown by us if we want crops to grow. Jesus is asking us to have the faith and patience of the farmer. We are called to plant the seeds of faith, hope, forgiveness, justice and peace as followers of Jesus. We are called to plant the ‘seeds’ of the gospel message that we each of us have, wherever and whenever we can. We need to believe and have faith that in God’s own time, not ours, the seeds will become a fruitful harvest in and for God’s Kingdom. These fruits will be seen in the quality of our daily lives. Jesus asks us to bear fruit, and fruit that will last.

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