Fifth Sunday of Lent – 17th March 2024
Hopefully, at this stage of the year and at this part of our Lenten journey, we have a deeper awareness that the long cold darkness of winter is behind us. By now we will have noticed more light in the mornings and at evening time. The hibernation of creation and nature is coming to an end and new life is beginning to be seen and felt all around us.
You may have, like other people, sown seeds and bulbs in the ground or even in small pots during winter. When we sow seeds or bulbs, we care for them and nourish what we have sown. We water and nurture the ground and then we patiently wait for nature to take its course. As spring approaches what was sown is now beginning to grow and flourish. As if by a miracle beyond our control, new life begins to come forth from the dark earth. The small seed sown months ago has changed and transformed into something beautiful that is beyond our dreams and imagination.